The transition from college into the unknown can be scary.
Change is scary!
Don’t worry, I’m here to help.
One of the best ways to overcome this fear and decrease anxiety is to create a plan of action.
At first, this might seem daunting; which is why I am going to take you through this process, step by step.
So, without further ado, let’s learn more about what to do after graduation.
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1. Give Yourself Permission to Rest and Celebrate
You’ve just graduated college… CONGRATULATIONS! That is an incredible accomplishment!
Now is the time to acknowledge your hard work.
Pull out your calendar and actually block off time to rest, recover, and celebrate.
Perhaps you want to finally go on that Eurotrip you’ve been dreaming about? Maybe you want to host a graduation party? Or just want to stay at home and read 1 (or 20) books… Go for it! You’ve earned it!
Related: 24 Self Care Ideas to Try This Week
2. Turn this Process into a Project!
Once you’re all rested up, consider turning this “After Graduation” list into a project. This can help you decrease anxiety, better organize your thoughts, and boost your motivation. Simply write down any of the tasks on your mind (and any other after-graduation tasks below) and begin the project planning process.
3. Thank Those who have Helped You Along the Way
Next, consider taking some time to thank those who have helped you along the way. Perhaps shoot some emails to your favorite professors and call your family members thanking them for your support. Also, be sure to reach out to any employers and scholarship committees if you have their contact information. This would also be a great time to ask for permission to use some of these contacts as references during your job search.
4. Complete your “After Graduation To Do List”
If you’re like me, you’ve probably kept a running to-do list of things you need to complete after graduation. You know, those tasks that kept getting pushed back because you just didn’t have any time?
Here are some examples:
- Switch all student accounts to personal accounts
- Change any login emails from your school email to a personal email so you don’t lose access
- Clean out your car
- Clean out your computer files
- Sort through and clean out your college notebooks and notes
- Clean out your college bag
- Sell your old textbooks
- Update your wardrobe for a more professional look
- Finally, take that fitness class you didn’t have time for but have a coupon about to expire…
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5. Organize Your Student Loans
This task will look different depending on which student loans you have taken out. For example, you may need to complete Financial Aid Exit Counseling, check-in with private student loan lenders, set up payment schedules, etc.
If you’re having trouble with any of your financial aid graduation-related work, be sure to reach out to your financial aid office, they are there to help!
6. Apply for Your License
Depending on your profession, you may need to take licensing exams and apply for a professional license after you graduate. Some professions that come to mind are engineers, doctors, lawyers, physical therapists, and nurses.
7. Complete Job Search Prep
Once you’re ready to move forward with your career, carve out some time to prepare for the job searching process.
Here are some tasks you might want to consider before submitting your first application:
- Decide on what type of job you’re looking for
- Decide where you wish to live
- Update your resume, LinkedIn, portfolio, cover letter, etc.
- Create an application tracking spreadsheet
- Touch base with your references
- Clean up your social media accounts

8. Begin Your Job Search
Now that you’re prepared, it is time to let the job search begin!
Personally, during my job search, I created a job search routine. This made the process much less overwhelming and allowed me to focus my efforts.
For example, in addition to searching and applying for jobs each day, I would also practice interview questions on Mondays, work on my technical skill-building on Tuesdays, research new companies on Wednesdays, etc.
Here are some tasks you might want to consider adding to your own job search routine:
- Search for new jobs, apply to the ones that you are interested in
- Practice interview questions
- Network with recruiters, companies, and other professionals in your industry
- Develop skills, take extra courses, research new certificates
- Read news releases, research articles, or books in your industry
- Research new companies and organizations
- Prepare for any upcoming interviews
- Follow up with any interviews or meetings from the previous day or week
Free Career Search and Development Spreadsheet
Easily organize your job applications, career goals, interview preparation, and so much more using the Ultimate Career Search and Development free spreadsheet.

9. Take a Gap Year
If you are not quite ready to jump into the career world, now is a great time to take a gap year!
Perhaps join the Peace Corps, go on an extended trip around the world, or take some time to volunteer for your favorite organization.
You create your own path!

10. Prioritize Career Development
No matter what you decide to do after graduation, be sure to prioritize career development in your everyday life.
Some ideas might include networking, skill-building, maintaining a portfolio, self-care, and goal setting.
Personally, my favorite career development method is to read.
Here are some of my favorite career development books on the market…
Top Career Development Books
- What Now? The Young Person’s Guide to Choosing the Perfect Career by Nicholas Lore: I can genuinely say that this book drastically changed my life. I read this book from cover to cover and took the career journey Nicholas Lore outlines. It landed me where I am at today. Without this book, I probably would still be wandering around trying to figure out my life’s purpose. If you’re in that same boat, this book is 110% for you.
- How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie: This absolute best seller and classic career-winning book was written by one of my all time favorite authors, Dale Carnegie. I read this book at least once a year. Each time, I learn something different. It covers countless proven ways to ensure people love you in a time when it is all about who you know, not what you know.
- David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants by Malcolm Gladwell: This fabulous career book changes the way we think about overcoming obstacles and advancing in our careers, even as an underdog. Gladwell also has another bestseller called The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference.
- Secrets of Six-Figure Women: Surprising Strategies to Up Your Earnings and Change Your Life by Barbara Stanny: This book is more than just about the wage gap and career struggles women have been facing for years. It is an inspirational and motivational book that discusses the commonalities between the millions of women currently in the workforce that make six-figures, and how you can too.
- Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office: Unconscious Mistakes Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers by Lois P. Frankel, PhD: This book outlines common mistakes the average woman makes in the workplace, and how to become more successful.

Further Reading
Before you go, here are some other related blog posts you might find interesting:
- The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Career
- Discover How to Write the Perfect Personal Mission Statement
- 21 Legit Ways to Make Extra Money
- 13 Time Management Tips to Skyrocket Your Productivity
- 21 Life-Changing Books for 20-Somethings
Well, there you have it! Ten different ways to spend your time after graduation. I hope you’ve found this post helpful. Good luck with your next chapter in life!
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