Envision this:
You wake up first thing Monday morning, bright and early.
You put on your workout clothes and smash a heart-pounding pre-planned workout.
Next, you get ready for the day in a fantastic mood and eat a filling, pre-made nutritious breakfast.
Once you start the day, you already have a plan to ensure you make progress toward your biggest dreams and goals.
At lunch, you pull out a delicious homemade meal that saves you calories and money… score!
At the end of your day, you arrive home to a clean space and dinner waiting for you in the fridge.
You sit back and relax because, instead of having chores to do, you know that everything is already done.
You know what? This could be you… every day of the week!
Sounds like a dream?
It really isn’t.
This is the reality of people who use a Sunday reset routine.
What does that entail? How can you create your own? Let’s find out.
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What is a Sunday Reset Routine?
Let’s start with the basics.
A Sunday reset routine is a checklist of items to help you prepare for the upcoming week both mentally and physically.
This checklist should include tasks that will help you save time and energy during the busy work week, as well as self care activities to charge your batteries.
How to Create the Perfect Sunday Reset Routine
Ready to create your very own Sunday reset routine?
Begin by thinking through an average week. Sketch out your schedule and reflect on how you spend your time.
As you walk through your schedule, begin to brainstorm ways you can make your week easier in advance such as cooking or cleaning. Add these items to your Sunday reset routine brainstorm list.
Next, read this post and jot down any additional Sunday reset routine items that you might find helpful.
Finally, schedule a time next Sunday to complete this list.

Sunday Reset Routine Checklist
It’s time to dive into the goods! Let’s take a look at the top tasks to consider adding to your very own Sunday reset routine.
Plan the Week Ahead
Let’s start this list with a bang.
Use your favorite planner (here’s mine) to create an action plan for the week that will help you reach your goals.
An easy way to plan the week ahead is by following a weekly planning routine. Here’s an example:
- Review the previous week: how did it go? What did you learn? How can you improve?
- Get present by completing your daily planning routine
- Process your inbox
- Create this week’s schedule
- Create this week’s task list
- Check in with your master task list
- Review your current projects
- Check in with your weekly and monthly goals
- Delegate and prioritize your tasks
- Assign each task to a day of the week
- Create a plan for tomorrow
- Is it a new month? Complete a monthly review
Related: How to Plan your Week for Success (a step-by-step guide)
Plan Your Meals
Next, decide your meals for the week including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.
Here are the steps you might want to consider to create a healthy and budget-friendly meal plan:
- Create and update a list of go-to healthy meals and recipes
- Research new meal ideas to try
- Inventory the food in your kitchen
- Lookup sales and coupons
- Choose your meals for the week
- Create a grocery list
Don’t worry, I have an entire guide to meal planning to help walk you through this process and save a TON of money, time, and calories on yummy, healthy meals. It really is a game-changer.
Related: An Ultimate Guide to Meal Planning and Prepping

Shop for Groceries
Now that you have a healthy meal plan, time to go grocery shopping!
Tip: Looking to save some time? Try using grocery pickup or delivery. Most stores offer pickup for free!
Prep Your Meals
Prep each of your meals for the upcoming week to help you save a TON of time in the kitchen.
This might involve washing and cutting produce, cooking, baking, or simply dividing your food into portions.
At the bottom of my meal planning guide, you’ll find some fantastic tips for easy and quick meal prepping.
Prepare Your Bag and Outfits
Clean out and re-pack your school or work bag so that you’re ready for Monday morning.
You can also choose your outfits for the week. This could include outfits for the gym, school, work, or just lounging. Whatever you find the most helpful!
Don’t forget to check the weather and your calendar before getting started.
Complete a Power Hour
A power hour is a chunk of time you dedicate to complete as many tasks as possible.
This is a great time to get caught up on life admin tasks, or other small projects you’ve been putting off.
Here are some great examples of tasks you can complete during a power hour:
- Sort the mail
- Pay bills
- Schedule appointments
- Clean out your email inbox
- Renew car registration
- Complete a weekly budget check-in
- Work on a project
Related: A Step-by-Step Guide to Project Planning
Project Planner Freebie
Make project planning even easier with this handy project printable. It includes a great project planning checklist and a useful project planner.

Household Chores
Next, consider adding household chores to your Sunday reset routine.
Here are some great chore ideas that you might consider:
- Laundry
- Vacuum
- Dishes
- Declutter
- Wash bedding
- Water the plants
- Deep clean one room
- Home maintenance
You can also consider creating a simple and realistic cleaning routine to help keep your space clean all week long.
Related: How to Create a Realistic Cleaning Routine
Create a Workout Plan
Do you ever struggle to exercise due to a lack of motivation or direction?
If so, you might find a workout plan helpful.
Creating a workout plan does not have to be complicated.
Start simple, and jot down your favorite exercises and separate them by day.

Self Care
Self care plays an important role in boosting mental and physical health. It helps you manage stress, avoid burnout, boost your mood, and more.
Here are some fantastic self-care activities to consider for your list:
- Exercise
- Go for a long walk
- Practice yoga
- Dive into a good book (here are my favorites)
- Meditate
- Read fun affirmation cards
- Journal
- Take a bath
- Spend time with a loved one
Related: Game-Changing Self Care Ideas to Help You Recharge for a New Week
Do Something Fun
Finally, don’t forget to do something fun on Sunday to help recharge your batteries before a fresh new week.
One great way to do this is to check off an activity from a seasonal bucket list. Looking for some inspiration? Here are my favorite seasonal bucket lists:
- The Ultimate Winter Activity Bucket List – 50 Winter Activity Ideas
- 50 Spring Activities to Keep You Busy All Season Long!
- The Best Summer Bucket List – 50 Fun Activities
- Top 50 Autumn Activities to Add to Your Fall Bucket List
- The Ultimate Halloween Bucket List
- 50 Magical Holiday Activities to Ensure You Cherish The Season

Evaluate Your Sunday Reset Routine Checklist
Finally, schedule some time to answer the following questions each week:
- How did my Sunday reset routine go?
- How do I feel after completing my Sunday reset routine?
- How can I improve my Sunday reset routine?
This will help you change your routine to fit your needs.
What’s Next? Create Your Own Sunday Reset Routine
Now that you’ve explored some great Sunday reset routine ideas, it’s time to create and finalize your very own checklist!
Jot down your favorite ideas and create a plan to test out next Sunday.
Here is a summary of all the Sunday reset routine tasks that were discussed in this post:
- Plan the week ahead
- Plan your meals
- Shop for groceries
- Prep your meals
- Prep your bag and outfits
- Complete a power hour
- Complete household chores
- Create a workout plan
- Practice self care
- Do something fun
Further Reading
Looking for even more productivity hacks? Check out these awesome related posts to help you create better habits, boost productivity, manage your time, and so much more.
- How to Build a Successful Morning Routine
- An Ultimate Guide to Meal Planning and Prepping
- Effective Planning Routines to Incorporate into Your Life
- An Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting and Achieving
- How to Stop Wasting Time
There you have it! My Sunday reset routine checklist. I hope you found this helpful and were able to create your very own checklist to incorporate into your own life.

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