I am going to give you some life-altering college advice that I wish I had been given long ago. I am not even going to make you read until the end to hear it. Ready? Here it is: you should start your own blog. I did it! I said it! You should start a blog in college!
Man, that was easy. Now that we have that settled, you’re probably wondering “Why Sarah? Why on earth should I even consider this radical, strange new venture of blogging?” Well, I’m glad you asked. Below, I have outlined the reasons why you should start a blog in college. No, not just should. Why you NEED to start a blog in college. Let’s get into it, shall we?
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Reasons Why You Should Start a Blog in College:
There are countless reasons why people choose to begin a blog. Many begin blogging as a way to maintain a hobby or to reach out to others in similar situations. But why should YOU start a blog? And while still in college?
1. Make Money
The first and most obvious reason why you should start a blog in college is that you can make some serious money! If you’re determined enough, you can make enough to pay for your rent and bills. Maybe even your tuition! As with most things, the more you put into blogging, the more you will get out of it.
There are plenty of people out there who have monetized their blogs and have created a steady income for themselves. In fact, some are making as much as six figures a month! I go more into detail about money opportunities in this post.
Related: 17 Surprising Blogging Tips to Bring Your Blog to the Next Level
2. Work for Yourself
The next reason why you should start a blog in college is that you are your own boss! You get to control your own hours, choose how much work you can get done each week, control where you work (the library, a nearby cafe, your couch), never have to worry about getting time off or switching shifts, and you won’t have to answer to anyone because you were one minute late.
For students, I personally think controlling your own work hours is the best type of situation you can be in. You are able to fit your blogging between classes, homework, studying, and other activities!
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3. Get Paid to Travel
There are countless, and I mean countless! people out there who are making a living as a travel blogger. In college, we have great opportunities during our breaks to travel, and blogging is one of the best ways to monetize that!
Related: The Only Blogging Class You’ll Ever Need to Take (it will Skyrocket your Income in Weeks!)

4. Enjoy your Work
The great thing about blogging is that it can be about anything! Many people create their blogs based on their hobbies or interests. If you’re an avid rock climber, write about that! Perhaps you enjoy reading, great! There are so many great things you could write about (and get paid to do it)! If you are writing about something that you love, you will enjoy it, I promise.
Related: How to Start a Successful Money Making Blog
5. Beef up your Resume
Being a blog owner means that you have created your own business. That is a huge achievement! Employers, scholarship committees, and graduate school advisors love it when they see business owner or blogger on your resume. As a blogger, you are establishing yourself as an expert and standing out from the crowd before you even graduate.
Furthermore, you will be learning and be acquiring plenty of skills that will further you in your career. During your interviews, scholarship essays, etc., you will have plenty of material to use in order to argue just how qualified you truly are because of your blogging experience.
Interested in starting a blog? Check out this free 5-day blogging crash course!
Skills and Qualities of a Blogger:
- Dedication, Hard work, and Patience
- Quality Writing
- Networking, Teamwork, and Communication
- Independent Working
- Technical/Computer Skills (including CSS, HTML, and SO MUCH MORE)
- Marketing
- Photo Editing
- Organization, Planning, and Time Mangement
- Search Engine Optimization
There are so many more skills you will learn, this is just the start! This is a great post about skills you will learn in the blogging world if you would like to read more!
Related: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Career
6. Create your own amazing Network
Blogging will also help you further your personal career through networking. You will not only be networking with other bloggers, but you will also get the pleasure of meeting amazing individuals, companies, and professionals in your own field! The great thing about this is, as a blogger, you will meet some amazing people that non-bloggers will never have the chance to. This will push you ahead of the heard and prepare you for your dream career because, as well all well know, it isn’t about what you know, it’s about who you know.
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7. Become a Better Writer
Writing is a key component to maintaining a blog. With frequent practice comes improvement and perfection. You will be surprised just how quickly your writing will improve and how easily words will come to you!
Plus, writing is such an amazing skill to have. Nearly every profession has some kind of writing involved, even if you are going into a technical or scientific field like I am. Even engineers, biologists, and doctors have to write up reports and emails!
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8. Solidify your Knowledge and Learn New Things
Creating blog content requires prior knowledge of the subject. You could acquire this knowledge through two ways.
First, through previous experience. Perhaps you have learned this topic from a class or personal life experiences. When creating a blog post on this topic, you will be solidifying that knowledge by teaching others. It is incredible how well you will recall this information in the future. Furthermore, when presenting the information, you will be establishing yourself as an expert, which could help further your career in your given field.
The second way you could acquire prior knowledge of the subject is by researching new material. When you are creating content, you will find that you don’t know or understand a few pieces of key information. This will require you to teach yourself through researching the topic, which will, in turn, teach you new information.
Interested in starting a blog? Check out this free 5-day blogging crash course!
9. Create Unique Opportunities
Another amazing reason to start a blog in college is the fact that you will be creating your own unique opportunities. By this, I mean that during the blogging process, you will be given unique opportunities that non-blogger would never dream of. Some of these opportunities you must seek out, others will be given to you. A few examples of these amazing opportunities include: attending private events as “press,” testing out new products/gear/etc. that isn’t available to the public yet, staying at new hotels, attending opening events (for movies, stores, amusement parks, and hotels), and so much more!
Related: How to Start a Successful Money Making Blog
10. Help Create a Better World
As bloggers, we have the amazing pleasure of reaching billions of people across the globe. We are able to give out free information and products to help educate others. In this respect, we have the most amazing opportunity to give back. This is, perhaps, the most rewarding part of blogging.
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Okay, you got me interested! How do I actually start a blog?
I’ve got some great news for you! Starting a blog is incredibly easy! Yes, it is a bit of work to get the blog up and running. But once you have everything set up, it is smooth sailing from there!
I go into full detail about how I started my own blog in this post, but let me give you the highlights here.
Related: How to Start a Successful Money Making Blog
When I first began my blogging journey, I was incredibly lost. There were dozens of “how to start a blog” articles out there, but none of them really dove into the crucial pieces of information I truly needed such as starting a blog legally, how to successfully bring in an income, the art of the perfect post, and how to market yourself just right on social media. Because of this, I turned to the experts.
Heather and Pete Reese from It’s a Lovely Life have been blogging for over ten years now. They are making a six-figure monthly income and travel over 50% of the year. These two truly have perfected the art of blogging. They created a five-day FREE online course to help you step-by-step create your own beautiful new blog. This is where I started.
To begin your journey, sign up for the Five-Day Free Start a Money Making Blog Crash Course here!
Then what?
After taking the free course, I knew blogging was the right path for me. So, I decided to enroll in their Blogging Blastoff Class. This class is, in all honesty, the secret to how I created my money making blog. They cover everything you need to know PLUS give you your first income source (that you don’t even need to apply for).
In order to begin a blog, a small investment must be made (to establish your website rights, email, etc.) and this class is, by far, the best investment I made to start my blog. Since then, I have more than made that money back, all thanks to the class itself.
Related: The Only Blogging Class You’ll Ever Have to Take
Enrollment begins on the 15th for the next month. However, because this is an online class, you can enter at any time and move at your own pace. Before you begin the class, I highly recommend you take their Five-Day Free Online Course. This will help you begin setting up your blog and help you understand the blogging world that much better!
Educate yourself on how to successfully run a money making blog and sign up for the Blogging Blastoff Course here!
Well, there you have it! The top ten reasons why you should start a blog in college and how to get started! Blogging is an amazing opportunity that you can create for yourself! I truly wish someone would have told me years ago that to start a blog in college was to jump-start my career. I hope you found this post helpful! Again, if you’re interested in creating your own blog, check out the post I wrote about how I did just that! Have fun and enjoy your journey!
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