I’ll be the first to admit that I am in love (okay, might even be a little obsessed) with all things office supplies. Planners, notebooks, pens, calendars… you name it, I’m in! This continuous hole has led me down the path of bullet journaling. I’ve been using the bullet journal technique for years now. And, over these years, I’ve really picked up some great tips. So, if you’re just diving into bullet journaling, you’re in the right place! This ultimate guide is just what you need to get you started on the right foot. Let’s dive in!
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What is a Bullet Journal?
Okay pump the breaks! Let’s start with the absolute basics… you might be asking: what is a bullet journal? Great question! At its core, a bullet journal is a planning method that utilizes a blank notebook (or any blank page, really). On these blank pages, the user devises their own, unique system to plan their life. Traditionally, this would revolve around a list of events and tasks, with symbols indicating: complete, migrated, important, etc.
Before you really dive in, check out this short (yet informative) video by the actual creator of the bullet journal method Ryder Carroll. This will give you a great overview and foundation to get started with bullet journaling before we really dive into the good stuff!
He also has a book you can check out here! Actually, I cannot recommend this book enough, it is fantastic!
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Benefits of Bullet Journaling
Alright, now that you know what a bullet journal is, why should you start one? Well, to be honest, there are countless benefits of using a bullet journal! Here is just a short list of some of my favorites:
- Increase time management
- Decrease stress and anxiety
- Integrate organization and efficiency into your daily life
- Have one location to find everything you might need
- Easily customize your planning method
- Utilize paper-planning in a budget-friendly way
Related: 24 Amazing Stress Management Techniques to Try This Week

A Freebie to Get You Started!
Alright, just one more thing before we get into the step-by-step guide to create your very own bullet journal. This last thing is… A FREEBIE!! Grab this freebie now, print it off, and paste it straight into your bullet journal to easily get started on the right foot!

Step 1: Get Inspired!
The first step in creating a bullet journal is to get inspired! I highly suggest you search around, take screenshots, and create a small vision board or photo collage of what bullet journal spreads and layouts inspire you most! You can also just create a fun board on Pinterest if you prefer.
When searching for inspiration, I highly suggest checking out:
Just search “Bullet Journal,” “Bullet Journal Spread Ideas,” or something similar.

Step 2: Gather Your Supplies
Next, it is time to gather your bullet journal supplies! The nice thing about bullet journaling is that you really only need two things: a notebook and a pen. Yep, that simple!
What Notebook Should I Get?
Great question! There are a TON of options out there. Here are the four key features to think about:
- Page Style: There are four main options: lined, dot-grid, grid, and plain. Most people Most people (including myself) prefer the dot grid style, it is definitely the most versatile, but take a look around to see what will fit your style best!
- Notebook Size: Obviously there are a TON of size options out there. The traditional bullet journal size is A5 (roughly 5.75″ x 8.25″).
- Page Markers: Some books come with a ribbon page marker, which can be super helpful. If you’re just starting out, I highly recommend getting a notebook that has a page marker already in it!
- Color: Finally, notebooks come in countless colors… this one is absolutely personal preference! One fun way to spruce up your notebook is to add stickers to the cover, so you might want to take this into account when choosing a color.
As for exact brands and notebooks, here are my favorites:
- Leuchtturm1917 Bullet Journal A5 Dot-Grid Notebook: When people say “bullet journal notebook,” they are usually referring to this one! It is the perfect notebook to get started bullet journaling in, as it already has an index, numbered pages, three (yes THREE!) ribbon bookmarks, countless color options, and even bullet journal reference pages to help you out. This one is definitely my go-to bullet journal! The only con to this notebook is the lack of size and page style options; it only comes in one size (A5 – the traditional size), dot grid, and hard cover. Those are most people’s preferences anyways but thought I would point it out!
- Moleskine Classic Notebook: If you’re looking for more size, cover type, and page options, definitely check out with Moleskine Classic Notebook. It does not have an index, numbered pages, or bullet journal reference pages, but does have a TON of notebook style options… here is just a sampling, all offering Dotted, Plain, Ruled, and Square Grid Options and Various Colors:
- Rhodia A5 Notebook: This notebook is similar to the Moleskine notebook, it has a ribbon bookmark, no page numbers, no index… it is just another plain journal option but a good one that many use in the bullet journal community!
- Budget Notebook Option: If you’re on a budget, this notebook is a great option! It is the perfect size, has a nice faux leather cover, and has dot grid paper… that is really all you need!

Okay, Let’s Talk Pens!
Obviously any pens will do, but if you’re like me and will use any excuse to buy a new pen, starting a bullet journal is the perfect one! Here are some of the most popular pens in the bullet journaling community:
- Pens:
- Sakura Micron Felt Tip Pens: These pens are definitely a bullet journaling favorite. They are perfect for writing to-dos and doodling! They are actually a pen designed for artists, so it only makes sense…. This pack includes a wide range of tip sizes, perfect to sample out different pens to see which you like best, and here is a single pen option!
- Uni-Ball Signo Gel Pen: This is actually my current pen favorite, I always carry it with me!
- Tombow Fudenosuke Brush Pen: This brush pen is a pen I continuously use. It is perfect for crating gorgeous titles and helps you draw calligraphy without taking a class. Definitely a must have!
- Staedtler Triplus Fineliner Pen Pack: These fineliners are perfect for color coding or creating colorful doodles. They even come in a nice, plastic carrying case!
- Sakura Gellyroll White Pen: You might be thinking… “A white pen, really?” Yes! Okay hear me out, white pens are so much fun to write on top of a dark header or washi tape, try it out! Also, most white pens out there are really spotty and difficult to use…. except this one – it is so smooth! It’s the best white pen out there (in my opinion, of course).
- Pentel GraphGear Drafting Pencil: Okay, technically this isn’t a pen but it is so helpful to use a pencil to sketch out your bullet journal spreads before you finalize your design, and this pencil is perfect for just that!
- Highlighters and Markers:
- Zebra Mildliners: These highlighters are, HANDS DOWN, my favorite highlighter. They come in a more mild color palate and have two different tips, one perfect to highlight your writing and the other is great to draw with!
- Tombow Dual Brush Pen: Another wildly popular marker are these dual brush pens, they are so fun and come in SO MANY great color options.
- Crayola Super Tips Marker Set: These are the perfect marker set for any bullet journal user. It is just an added bonus that the prices is fantastic!

Extra Bullet Journal Supplies to Spice Things Up…
A few last items you might want to consider adding to your bullet journal shopping list are…
- Tombow Glue Tape: Glue tape is next-level game-changing magic. Once you use it, you’ll never go back to tape or glue again! Perfect to add in bits of paper, movie tickets, or other fun items to your bullet journal.
- Washi Tape: Washi tape is an easy way to add some color or designs to your bullet journal without really trying. They come in so many great colors and designs too!
- Plastic Ruler: To make drawing and doodles a bit easier, try using a simple ruler!
- Sticky-Notes: Of course, sticky notes are a great way to quickly add a note to your planner or add a pop of color easily. I will also say that Post-It is one brand you can always trust to not leave a sticky residue on your pages, but there are a ton of other great options too!
- Page Flags: Last, consider checking out page flags. They are a great organizational tool to help you easily flip to important pages (like your monthly spread or current daily page). These flags are my current favorite – super durable and gorgeous colors!
Related: 15 Planning Essentials You Need to Ensure Success

Step 3: Set Up the Basic Pages
Now that you have your supplies ready to go, it is time to start setting up your bullet journal! There are the first five things you should do FIRST THING. They are the absolute base pages every bullet journal needs to be successful and ready to go.
- Contact Information: Inside the front cover, write your name and contact information in case you leave your bullet journal somewhere. It is also a good idea to add a reward, like $20 or something similar, that was who ever finds it has some incentive to return it!
- Bullet Journal Key: Next to your contact information (perhaps on the opposite page?) write out your bullet journal key. This key will be unique to you, but here is a list of ideas to get you started:
- Box: To-Do
- Bullet: Note
- Circle: Event
- Triangle: Deadline
- Exclamation Point: Important
- Index Pages: Flip to the next page and, at the top, write “Index.” Write this header on at least 2-4 pages total, depending on how many pages you think you’ll need for your index (I usually use about 4). Skip this step if you have the Leuchtturm1917 Bullet Journal, it’s already been done for you!
- Number Your Pages: On the next page after your Index, begin numbering your in the bottom corner starting with page 1 until you reach the end of the notebook. Skip this step if you have the Leuchtturm1917 Bullet Journal, it’s already been done for you!
- Future Log: A “future log” is simply a list of upcoming months with important dates, deadlines, birthdays, etc. Flip to page 1 and add the header “Future Log.” Then depending on your style, sketch out your future log on 2-4 pages. I prefer to have a small calendar outline on one side, and a blank space on the other for each month so I can visually see the future months ahead. When you’re done, be sure to flip back to your index page and write “Page 1-4 – Future Log”
Related: The Ultimate Guide to Planning – Everything You Need to Know!

Step 4: Create Your Calendar Pages
Next, it is time to draw out your calendar pages! Depending on what you need, you can create a yearly, monthly, weekly, and even daily pages. There are so many different calendar layout options out there, be sure to check out your bullet journal vision board for inspiration!
TIP! Don’t forget to index each of your spreads after they are completed – this means you flip to your “Index,” write down the page number and the title of the spread. For example: If you create a “Books to Read List” list on page 12, your index should say “Page 12 – Books to Read List.”

Step 5: Make it Your Own and Try Out New Spreads!
Now it is time to let the fun begin! On the following pages after your calendars, add in any extra bullet journal layouts you wish to try! Check out your vision board for inspiration and push yourself to continue to try out new bullet journal spreads until you find your groove!
Here are some bullet journal spread ideas to get you started:
- Habit Tracker
- Mood Tracker
- Goal Setting Pages (check out my Goal Setting Ultimate Guide to help you out!)
- 30 Day Challenges
- Seasonal Bucket Lists (Here are my winter, spring, summer, fall, halloween, and holiday bucket lists!)
- Gratitude Page
- Weekly Fitness Plan
- Routines
- Books to Read List (HERE are all of my book lists if you are in need of some new reads!)
- Movies to Watch
- Packing List
- Sleep Log
- Favorite Quotes
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Step 6: Write Out Your Planning Routine
Now it is time to add the secret sauce to your bullet journal system. This is truly where the magic happens! This secret sauce is… a planning routine! How do you add this to your bullet journal? By flipping to a new page, titling it “Planning Routine” and actually writing out your Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly planning routine. To help you create your own planning routine, check out these blog posts (they will give you everything you need to know!):
- The Ultimate Guide to a Successful Daily Planning Routine
- The Best Weekly Planning Routine to Skyrocket Your Productivity
- A Complete Guide to Monthly Planning Reviews
- Everything You Need to Know About Quarterly and Yearly Planning Routines
When you’re done writing out your planning routines, don’t forget to add them to your calendar and to do list so you don’t forget to actually complete each planning routine when needed.

Step 7: Grab Your Freebie!
Don’t forget to grab your freebie HERE to help get you started on your bullet journaling journey! You can easily scale it down, print it out, and paste it into your bullet journal to help you plan.
Don’t forget to check out my Printables Shop to stuff your bullet journal with even more productivity worksheets, trackers, and more!

BONUS Part 1: Top Bullet Journal Tips for Success
As an added bonus, here are my top tips for ensure you succeed in your bullet journaling adventure:
- Keep it simple! Don’t overthink your bullet journal and don’t try to make it perfect… that takes all the fun out of it!
- Regularly search on Instagram and YouTube for bullet journaling inspiration to keep you motivated.
- Be sure to read (or listen to the Audiobook!) The Bullet Journal Method – SO MANY amazing tips and secrets to success packed away in so few pages!
- Create a one-page layout that includes the number of boxes for the width and height. You can also include any other page measurements that might help plan your layouts.
- Utilize color coding to help keep your tasks and events organized.
- Use page flags (I LOVE these ones!!) to easily identify important pages (like your monthly calendar, current habit tracker, and current day page).

BONUS Part 2: Amazing Bullet Journaling Resources To Keep Your Productive and Inspired
Surprise, another bonus! I highly believe in continuous education, and reading books is the perfect way to help you learn more about productivity. This will ultimately keep your planning systems fresh and keep you on top of your game! With that, here are my favorite books related to bullet journaling, planning, productivity, and more.
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen
This is the O.G. of planning books (in my opinion…). This book is the reason I started reading other great productivity books. I can not recommend it enough! In fact, I have read it multiple times (I listen to it on Audible while I am driving to and from work). What is it about? Well, David Allen creates this unbeatable productivity technique that can be incorporated into anyone’s planning system. It is a must read. Check it out HERE!
The Getting Things Done Workbook: 10 Moves to Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen
If you loved Getting Things Done (um hello, how could you not?!), you will love this great workbook! It is pretty much a kickstarting workbook that forces you to get more productive. Check it out HERE!
The Bullet Journal Method: Track the Past, Order the Present, Design the Future by Ryder Carroll
I know I’ve mentioned this already but The Bullet Journal Method is a must-read planning book. It is a complete guide to bullet journalling by the creator himself!
The Four Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss
This best selling book has been a hot topic item for quite some time now. It tells the amazing tale of how Ferriss went from working 80 hours per week, to 4 hours per week (with the same income!). This book is filled with productivity tips, goal setting hacks, and so much more to ensure your energies are spent in the right areas of your life. A must read!
The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
My last favorite productivity and planning book is The Power of Habit. This book covers the importance of habit creation in our daily lives. Duhigg covers how one habit can truly change our lives and how we can control our future with small, everyday changes.
Related: 21 Life-Changing Books for 20- and 30-Somethings
There you have it, my ultimate guide to bullet journaling! I hope you were able to find some great tips and guidance in this post. I know I threw a ton at you so be sure to pin this post for later to come back to it for reference when you need. Happy planning!
Check out the secrets to tackling your largest tasks in my ultimate guide to project planning. It is a total game changer!

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