The massive world of blogging can be an incredibly overwhelming place.
There are so many different blogging tips and resources out there, how do you know which ones will work?!
Don’t worry, I have got you covered!
Today, we are going to talk about all of the blogging tips and tricks I have used over the years to grow my blog.
They range from simple little tweaks you can easily incorporate into your everyday life, to major tools that will completely skyrocket your blogging stats.
I have seen MAJOR success in each of these 17 blogging tips and truly believe they can help you too! So, without further ado…
This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure policy for more information.

Why Start a Blog?
First, if you haven’t started a blog yet and are wondering what all the fuss is about, let me tell you… blogging is an income game changer! As a college student, I have been able to use my blog to help pay for my education and offset my crazy college related finances. Countless people have also entered the blogging world and have seen similar success too (such as my mentors Heather and Pete Reese, who made over $300,000 in one month this year!).In addition to creating a nice bit of income, managing a blog is incredibly rewarding.
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Here are the top benefits I have personally noticed while blogging:
- Be your own boss and make your own flexible schedule
- Get paid to travel the world
- Enjoy your work and write about topics you love
- Beef up your resume (“small business owner” looks pretty good to employers!)
- Gain some amazing skills (like writing, communication, marketing…)
- Expand your personal and professional network
- Become a better writer
- Learn new and exciting subjects
- Help create a better world
- Take advantage of blogger-only related activities (such as opening events)
There are so many more great reasons to start a blog. If you are still on the fence, check out my top reasons to start a blog in college post. I go into a bit more detail on how blogging has changed my life for the better!
Related: The Top Reasons to Start a Blog in College

17 Surprising Tips to Bring Your Blog to the Next Level
Alright, so you’re either convinced you should start a blog, or you already have one up and running (or nearly there?). That is AWESOME! Whichever phase of blogging you’re currently in, these 17 blogging tips and tools will work wonders for your blog! Even small tweaks can be a massive game changer. Ready to dive in? Let’s do it!
Related: How to Start a Successful and Money Making Blog

Blogging Tools to Skyrocket your Blog Success
Blogging is an online industry where tools are not only useful, but incredibly necessary. If you choose the RIGHT tools, you will be well on your way to blogging success in no time. The tools I have listed below are the top five tools I use on a regular basis and SWEAR BY. They have made my blogging journey much easier, more successful, and even more fun! They seriously have changed my blog for the better and I have no doubt they will do the same for you.
1. It’s A Lovely Life’s Blogging Blastoff Class
The Blogging Blastoff Class is a class for bloggers of all levels. It seriously is the only blogging class you will ever need to take. It is packed with detailed instructions on every aspect of blogging: landing paid opportunities, skyrocketing your social media outreach, writing killer blog posts, how to easily manage the business side of things (trade name, taxes, etc.) and SO. MUCH. MORE.
I took this class at the beginning of my blogging journey and, since I still have access to all the material, I have been able to re-take the course a few extra times. It is continuously being updated so I am learning new things each time and am able to improve my blog over and over again. In all honesty, I swear by this class, it has been the best investment to my blog thus far. For more information on this class, check it out HERE.
Check out the Blogging Blastoff Class!
Related: The Only Blogging Class You’ll Ever Need to Take
2. 5-Day Free Blogging Crash Course
It’s A Lovely Life has also created a shorter free course for people just starting their blogging journey. It is fabulous and if you’re just starting your blogging journey, it is a must! This is a short, five-day course that takes you through the entire process of setting up your website and getting your blog up and running. It is the exact course that got my blog going!
Enroll in the Free 5-Day Blogging Crash Course Here!

3. Protect Yourself with a Smart Virtual Mailbox
When you begin setting up your blog, you will need to give out your mailing address often. In fact, this is a rule when setting up your email system, legal pages, trade name, and more.
This means that your address will become public knowledge.
Because of this, I highly recommend you consider getting a Smart Virtual Mailbox and using this address instead.
This way, you never have to make your home address available to the public.
So, what is a Smart Virtual Mailbox and how does it work?
With a Smart Virtual Mailbox, you are assigned a non-PO Box physical address located at a trusted third-party facility. Once your mail arrives, it is sorted (with junk mail removed), scanned, uploaded to your online account (unopened), then forwarded to your home address.
Why a Smart Virtual Mailbox?
You’re probably thinking “I could just get a PO Box at the local post office.” And, you’re totally right.
However, a Smart Virtual Mailbox is WAY more convenient, cost-effective, safe, and professional. In fact, a Smart Virtual Mailbox has a TON of great benefits including:
- Protect yourself and your family by enjoying a mailing address unrelated to your place of residence
- Never waste time with pointless trips to the post office
- Enjoy checking your mailbox virtually from the comfort of your own home
- Save money with a cheaper mailbox alternative (depending on which option you go with)
- Never have to change your business address (even if you move to a different state)
- Never get junk mail… ever (it’s all sorted out for you)
The Best Part? You Can Try a Virtual Mailbox for FREE!
So, how do you get a Smart Virtual Mailbox? And try it for FREE?
I personally use US Global Mail. And, you know what? I’m absolutely obsessed.
I’ve been using them for a while now, and I honestly can’t believe I was wasting my time with a PO Box for so long…
Anyways, you can try US Global Mail by heading over to their sign-up website here, and be sure to use code SARAH-L5LP33UO.HO to get your first month for FREE!
Sign Up for a Smart Virtual Mailbox with US Global Mail for FREE using Code: SARAH-L5LP33UO.HO

4. Pinterest
Once I began taking my Pinterest strategy seriously, my blogging traffic completely exploded. I went from only 40 site views per day to over 1,000 views overnight. Literally. However, before I got this major jump in views, I had to do A LOT of research. Each blog is different, so each Pinterest strategy is going to be different as well. Personally, I spent a good one to two weeks just researching, creating, and tweaking my Pinterest strategy to create a system that now works great! Here are the main sites I used to create my perfect strategy:
5. Tailwind
Speaking of Pinterest, a HUGE part of my strategy is to use Tailwind. And I mean HUGE. Tailwind is an amazing online tool that schedules your personal blog pins onto your Pinterest page at a strategic interval and allows you to pin other content as well. They also have countless other great programs such as Tailwind Tribes (that are like Pinterest Group Boards but WAY better and much more beneficial), the Smart Loop (that auto rotates all of your pins onto Pinterest) and an Instagram auto scheduling program as well! I am personally utilizing Tailwind: Scheduler, Tribes, Smart Loop, and Instagram Scheduler.
Check out Tailwind Here!
6. Canva
My final favorite blogging tool is Canva. This is a FREE web design website that gives you access to countless tools to create the perfect social media posts. I personally use Canva to create all of my Pinterest pins and blog cover photos, but you can use it for nearly anything! Plus you can’t beat the price.
Check out Canva Here!

Blogging Tips to Skyrocket your Blog Success
Up next are my top blogging tips that will help your business soar. These are tips I personally utilize and swear by. They range from large to small changes that can impact your business within days.
Related: The Only Blogging Class You’ll Ever Need to Take
7. Create and Stick to a Routine
Routines are definitely the best way I stay sane when it comes to blogging. There are so many little tasks to complete, and in order to keep everything organized, I create a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly task list specifically for my blog. I HIGHLY recommend you do the same. Once you’ve done this, look at it ALL THE TIME! And change it when you need to.
Tip: I was able to create an incredibly successful routines list after I took the Blogging Blastoff Class. Each section talks about repeated tasks you need to complete.
Here are some examples:
- Daily: Check and reply to emails, post on social media sites, work on major projects, interact with new followers, add pins to Tailwind Tribes, complete one weekly task.
- Weekly: Write up and schedule a blog post, draft and schedule an email to subscribers, create a new pin, update an old post, complete one monthly task.
- Monthly: Review all finances, pay bills and/or necessary taxes, complete a full analytics review, brainstorm new posts, complete one yearly task.
- Yearly: File yearly taxes, invest in blog (new tools, new class, etc.), install a new website theme, review website and make improvements.
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8. Prioritize your Time
Everyone has major priorities in their life. You might be a blogger and also be attempting to juggle college, motherhood, a career, and so many other things. As a blogger, it is important to prioritize your time and focus only on the things that are going to help your blog in the biggest of ways. Some months, you might have time to do it all. Others, just try to focus on the tasks that are going to keep your blog running smoothly.
For example, during the semester, I cut down on my blogging routine and only focus on the essentials: new content, my Pinterest strategy, replying to emails, and bills/finances. As more time lands in my lap, I expand my schedule as I see fit. However, the tasks that help your blog will probably be much different than mine, so be sure to really understand what makes your blog run best.
Related: 13 Time Management Tips to Explode Your Productivity
9. Monetize Your Blog
If you haven’t’ done so already, monetizing your blog can be incredibly simple and, if done correctly, has the potential to bring in quite a bit of cash! This can be done through a variety of different ways such as affiliate links, sponsored posts, guest posting, ads, and more. Again, I learned how to monetize my blog successfully through the Blogging Blastoff Course, but there are plenty of other resources to look into on the web.

10. Invest in your Blog
Like most bloggers, I have found that the more money I put into my blog, the more I get out. Each time I invest in my blogging business, my income completely skyrockets. You can invest in your blog in many different ways. This could be purchasing a new blogging course to increase your education on running a successful ad campaign, ore even investing in new blogging tool that bump up your traffic. The top two investments that have made the biggest difference in my blog has been the It’s a Lovely Life Blogging Blastoff Class and Tailwind Scheduler, Tribes, and Smartloop. I know I keep talking about them, but they both have made a DRAMATIC difference in my blogging business. Research different investment opportunities to see what might work best for you!
Related: The Only Blogging Class You’ll Ever Need to Take
11. Create Useful Freebies to Grow Your Email List
When it comes to growing your blog and income levels, creating a large email list is incredibly important. This will allow you to send off emails to people interested in your blogging content whenever you wish! This could be when you add a new blog post, have some great news to share, a new product to sell, or just when you want to send a friendly “hello.” The best way I have found to boost email subscribers is to create an email freebie. Both Suzi at Start a Mom Blog and Heather from It’s a Lovely Life have some awesome tutorials and advice on how to do this. The biggest tip I can give you when creating a freebie is to create a freebie that solves a problem. For example, if you’re a travel blogger, perhaps create a packing list (problem: don’t know what to pack).

12. Interlink Your Blog Posts
A great way to drive traffic all around your blog is to interlink your posts. This involves adding links to other blog posts you’ve already created on your site both in the text and after the test (like the one I have done below). This will ensure the people reading your posts, and loving what you’re putting down, can find relevant topics to read about!
Related: The Top Ten Reasons to Start a Blog in College (Hint: It Will Change Your Life!)
13. Practice Stress Management
Blogging can be, at times, stressful. Especially if you are blogging while working full time on other projects, jobs, etc. Always make sure to keep your mental and physical health as a priority. This will ensure your happiness, which will reflect your success in your entire life (including your blog!). One great way I maintain my happiness is to practice stress management techniques, such as reading, journaling, exercising, and more.
Related: 24 Amazing Stress Management Techniques to Try Right Now!

14. Find the Best Productivity Tips that Work for You
Productivity is one of my favorite blogging tips. Try out different productivity tips to see what works best for you. Often in blogging, you will find that there are tasks that are incredibly mundane but necessary to keep your website up and running. Try out different productivity tips, then switch them up when they get dull. This will help keep things moving along. Who knows, maybe you’ll start loving every aspect of blogging, even the boring things!
Related: 54 Productivity Tips To Tackle Your To Do List Today!
15. Write About What You Love
When creating content on your blog, make sure you enjoy the subject matter. This will ensure you are loving your blog work. This will also make it incredibly easy to pump out some great blog posts! It is much easier to write and research about topics that are interesting to you! Be sure to start switching up your topics when they are getting dull… even if it is a slight change.
16. Utilize Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
The art of Search Engine Optimization is incredibly intricate and valuable. Once you master it, you will find your blog being visited much more often. But how do you do this? Well, there are many different great ways to utilize and implement SEO including the Yoast Plugin (which is mostly what I use), ensuring you have a high percentage of keywords in your posts, and continuously researching SEO tips and tricks on the web.

17. Give Your Readers Value
When brainstorming content ideas, always keep in mind this key theme: value. You want to be solving a problem. This is what will initially draw readers to your site and keep them there! Think about topics that you might search for on the web that interest you and start there. You can also look at your site analytics to see what posts are the most popular and create content on the same subject.
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BONUS: Create New Content Often
Speaking of blog posts, maintaining a steady schedule of new content is incredibly important for many reasons. Pinterest loves new blog posts and will help circulate your pins when it recognizes a new link. This also will encourage your readers to visit your site more often! Finally, this is incredibly important when applying to affiliate and sponsored-post programs. They love seeing a consistent schedule!

Well, there you have it! My top 17 blogging tips that I personally use to maintain success on my blog. I hope you were able to find a few tips and tricks that will help skyrocket your blog to the next level!
Interested in starting a blog or more blogging tips? Check out this free 5 day blogging crash course!

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