Have you ever found yourself asking “why didn’t I learn this in school?” I know I have… plenty of times. Like the first time I filed my own taxes. Or that one time I realized I had no ideas what foods I should be eating in a day. Or what the heck a 401K really is. The list is endless. I am sure it’s the same for you! There isn’t a class on “how to be an adult” or just simply “life” in either high school or college! Instead, we need to take matters into our own hands. Over the last few years, I have stumbled across the most amazing books that have taught me everything (okay, probably not everything… but nearly!) school should have. Lessons in physical health, mental wellbeing, productivity, finances, and so much more. These life-changing books have been so incredibly insightful and I hope you find just as much use out of them! So, without further ado…
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Health and Wellness:
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is incredibly important for countless reasons: happiness, living a long life, avoiding illness… Unfortunately, many people are misguided in their health choices due to crazy advertisements and lack of knowledge. Let’s solve that! Here are my top life-changing books on both physical and mental health.
- Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating by Walter C. Willett, MD, DrPH: In his book, Dr. Willett covers everything you will ever need to understand nutrition, from how many fruits and veggies you should eat in a day (and what kind…) to the best recipes that can be easily integrated into your life. He only uses hard, scientifically proven facts to back up all of his claims and mentions many popular misconceptions. It is, hands down, the best nutritional guide I have found to date. Check it out HERE.
- Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things by Jenny Lawson: As weird as it may sound, this is a hilarious book about struggling with mental health problems. The amazing Jenny Lawson tells her stories about struggling with anxiety and depression in the most comical way possible. It is an absolute must read if you struggle with any type of mental illness, no matter how small or large. Actually, I think everyone should read it. IT IS FANTASTIC! Check it out HERE.
- Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David D. Burns, MD: This is another great book on mental health, where psychiatrist Dr. Burns covers countless scientifically proven ways to improve your mental health without drugs and lift your sprits immensely. Check it out HERE.
- How to Stop Worrying and Start Living: What Other People Think of Me is None of My Business by Simeon Lindstrom: My last health related book is another on mental health, but more focused on everyday stress levels. It takes a different look at everyday stress by investigating what exactly is causing stress in your life. Check it out HERE. Funnily enough, one of my favorite authors, Dale Carnegie, has a book by the same title and I would be remiss to not mention it. I haven’t read it yet but I am sure it is just as fantastic. Also, if you’re looking for some stress management techniques, check out this post.
Related: The Ultimate Guide to Eating Health in College – Cheap, Fast, and Easy Meals!

Productivity and Habit Formation:
Next up? Productivity! Another incredibly important aspect in life that isn’t addressed in school, yet plays an instrumental part in our everyday lives, especially in our careers! Many don’t even think about it, while others struggle to accomplish it. Which ever boat your in, these life-changing books will do wonders to your productivity levels and outlook on getting things done!
- Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen: This book is, hands down, my favorite book on productivity and among my top ten favorite books of all time. David Allen simplifies productivity in an easy to use system that can work for everyone. He also fills his books with plenty of time management tricks. Check it out HERE.
- The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8am) by Hal Elrod: This best seller creates the ultimate morning routine that anyone can start right away. Hal Elrod outlines the five fundamental secrets to starting your day on the right note; ensuring everyday is a great day! Check it out HERE.
- The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg: This is the ultimate habit formation book that covers the scientific ways habits form, exist, and how they can be changed. It is absolutely a fundamental book to read about productivity and building good habits! Check it out HERE.
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey: This is another classic and fundamental book on productivity everyone should, not only read, but own. It discusses, as the title suggests, the seven incredibly important habits every productive and “effective” person practices. It’s a HUGE best seller that nearly every famous CEO swears by. Check it out HERE.
Related: 54 Game-Changing Productivity Tips that You’ve Never Heard of!

Books on Career and Finance:
Now, let’s get into career and finance books. The whole reason we go to school is to land a great job… right?! Then why not give us some great career advice while we are there? I know, seems simple, but most schools (both high schools and colleges) just simply skim the surface of the crazy career world. Don’t worry, my favorite life-changing books on career and finance will cover you.
- The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ramsey: Of course this book makes the top of my favorite career and finance books. If you’ve read it, you know what I mean. If you haven’t, get with the program… This is the ultimate book on personal finances, getting out of debt, and handling the real world as an adult. It is absolutely the ultimate book every adult should read if they want to understand how to budget, invest, get out of debt, retire at a decent age, and so much more. I cannot recommend it enough. Check it out HERE, you won’t regret it!
- What Now? The Young Person’s Guide to Choosing the Perfect Career by Nicholas Lore: I can genuinely say that this book drastically changed my life. I read this book from cover to cover and took the career journey Nicholas Lore outlines. It landed me where I am at today: on a path to become a civil engineer. Without this book, I probably would still be wandering around trying to figure out my life’s purpose. If you’re in that same boat, this book is 110% for you. Check it out HERE! If you’re looking for more information on choosing your dream career, check out this post.
- How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie: This absolute best seller and classic career-winning book was written by one of my all time favorite authors, Dale Carnegie. I read this book at least once a year. Each time, I learn something different. Whether you’re getting ready to enter the career world, or already in it, you need this book in your life. It covers countless proven ways to ensure people love you in a time when it is all about who you know, not what you know. Check it out HERE.
- David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants by Malcolm Gladwell: This fabulous career book changes the way we think about overcoming obstacles and advancing in our careers, even as an underdog. Check it out HERE. Gladwell also has another bestseller called The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference.
- #Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso: I am sure you’ve already heard of this best seller (that now has a TV show about it!). If not, let me fill you in. This book is about the life of the author, Sophia Amoruso, who is the founder of the companies Nasty Gal and Girlboss. This book is filled with amazing career advice and inspiration. Check it out HERE.
- Secrets of Six-Figure Women: Surprising Strategies to Up Your Earnings and Change Your Life by Barbara Stanny: This book is more than just about the wage gap and career struggles women have been facing for years. It is an inspirational and motivational book that discusses the commonalities between the millions of women currently in the workforce that make six-figures, and how you can too. Check it out HERE.
- Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office: Unconscious Mistakes Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers by Lois P. Frankel, PhD: My last, but certainly not least, career book is another woman’s career guide that outlines common mistakes the average woman makes in the workplace, and how to become more successful. Check it out HERE.
Related: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Your Dream Career

Life-Changing Books on… Well, Everything Else:
My last category in this list of life-changing books covers everything else… from inspirational books to complete adulting guides, I’ve got you covered.
- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson: I love this book. It is perfect for everyone who just simply care too much. Which is probably the majority of us. Each time I read this book, or even just a different chapter, I feel lighter and well… just better! Everyone should read this at least once in their life. It is hilarious, unique, and just good for the soul. Check it out HERE.
- Adulting: How to Become a Grown-up in 535 Easy(ish) Steps by Kelly Williams Brown: From renting an apartment to finding a good mechanic, this book covers everything you need to know about adulting. I’m serious. Check it out HERE.
- 30 Things Every Women Should Have and Should Know by the Time She’s 30 by Pamela Redmond Satran and the Editors of Glamour: This book is another 20-something’s guide to life. It gives essential advice to every woman on her way to 30. Check it out HERE.
- The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle: Another one of my all-time favorites. The Power of Now is a book about completely living in the present and avoiding any anxieties or discomforts you get when worrying/thinking about the past or future. Simply put, it’s phenomenal. Check it out HERE.
- Nice is Just a Place in France: How to Win at Basically Everything by the Betches: Of course I had to add the Betches’ best-seller to this must-read life-changing book list. This hilarious book is filled with advice and wisdom the famous Betches have conjured up to share with the world. It covers many life lessons such as: don’t be easy, poor, or ugly. It should obviously be on everyone’s reading list. Check it out HERE.
- Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be by Rachel Hollis: This popular best-seller is a great book for any woman. It is an inspirational book about all the lies and misconceptions too many people believe about themselves. Check it out HERE.
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Other Great Book Lists
Looking for even more great books to read? Check out these amazing book lists.
- Top Books on Goal Setting and Achieving
- Top Books on Planning and Organization
- Updated Yearly Addicting Page-Turning Book Lists
And that’s it! My top 21 life-changing books that have given me all the knowledge school didn’t. I hope you have found some great reads to add to your book list and start soon. I promise every single one these life-changing books is completely filled from cover to cover with the essential knowledge you need in your life. Have fun and happy reading!
Looking to add more books to your growing book list? Check out my other great book lists here!

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